Going up? Uptrends expands to a second floor

Uptrends has always focused on providing a quality product with solutions to solve real problems for businesses of all sizes. Staying laser-focused on our customers’ needs led to organic growth that has expanded at a comfortable pace over the last thirteen-plus years. However, slow, steady growth is relative to the size of the endeavor, and as our products and services grew, so did the resources needed to sustain growth. So we grew—faster than expected. This is the story of how Uptrends went from a small startup business to expanding its offices for the second time in less than three years.

In the beginning

As a startup, Uptrends consisted of three enterprising founders working from their homes to develop its first website monitoring products. The early product included eight checkpoint locations and uptime monitoring. Eight checkpoints eventually led to well over 200 test locations, and the three founders now manage teams in four offices: The Netherlands, Germany, France, and the United States.

In 2018, the cozy Netherlands office in Alphen aan den Rijn (Alphen on the Rhine) just couldn’t contain our burgeoning development and support staff. To accommodate the addition of new staff, Uptrends moved its headquarters to the heart of the city.

New offices

Uptrends took the entire fifth floor at Raoul Wallenbergplein 31 in early 2018. The new state-of-the-art facility had everything Uptrends needed to work comfortably with plenty of room to grow—so we thought. After two years in our new offices, we discovered that an entire floor was not enough. We quickly filled the available space as our staffing needs changed.


Shortly before the stay-at-home COVID-19 orders took effect, we had the realization that our expansive office wasn’t feeling quite so expansive. Within two years, we had filled nearly every space with new talent. Luckily, directly below us, a new space opened.

A portion of the fourth floor became available, and we seized on the space for an additional 6458 sq. feet or 600 sq. meters of available space.

We’ve taken advantage of the work-from-home situation to upgrade the space with newly allocated offices for administration, sales, and marketing teams. Moving these teams leaves the entire fourth floor to our development and support teams with extra space for continued growth!

The future

We really enjoy our offices, and we have a good time when we are together. Unfortunately, the current COVID-19 restrictions require we spend our time together on Slack and Microsoft Teams, but soon, a vaccine will enable us to resume our regular schedules. Our regular routine has always included working from home two days a week. So we didn’t miss a step when we transitioned to full-time work-at-home status, but now, when it is safe to do so, we are ready to meet in person and maybe play a game of pool or air hockey.